During the recent Lock-Downs, York Printmakers (www.yorkprintmakers.org.uk) suggested each of us devise a post-card sized print (100 x 150mm) on a given theme – and show them at our monthly Zoom meetings. It’s now bi-monthly, but here are some of mine. Lino prints are printed on a heavy cartridge paper, but the woodblock-drypoints are on thin Japanese paper. Prices vary, depending on the number of blocks(colours) and processes.
Autumn Apple
I tried doing a landscape in the colours of a Cox’s.
EV. 3 lino blocks
Autumn Fence
A single lino block over a monoprint
EV Lino
A dull autumn day
Lots of rubbing and blotting
EV 3 lino blocks
Bonfire one
The theme was ‘fire’
Japanese-type woodblock and dry-point.
Bonfire two
The theme was ‘fire’
Japanese-type woodblock and dry-point.
The theme was ‘speed’
Japanese-type woodblock and dry-point.
A jig-saw print , each field being inked separately.